In which Sanspants Radio ask the important questions in pop culture and dissect fictional universes. Because seriously, who deals with super weapon sanitation and imperial employee agreements? If you’re looking for serious discussions, this isn’t the podcast you’re looking for and we are so sorry about that joke. Contains episodes 1 – 135 of Plumbing the Death Star.
Bonus content:
- EXCLUSIVE: Dinosaur Park – Jackson takes Joel and Other Joel on a roleplaying trip back to Dinosaur Park. Dur-nuh naah nah-nah!
- Movie Maintenance – Catch up with the first 30 episodes of Sanspants Radio’s Movie Maintenance podcast where they fix the movies you love and hate.
- Plumbing the Death Star Talk Loudly Over Films – Hear your favourite Sanspants Radio team members interrupt a movie with their honest opinions and rants. Five episodes.
With this purchase you’ll get instant access to all of the above as zipped digital downloads. You’ll also receive an 8GB retro and cool USB cassette tape through the post with the adventures pre-loaded on it.
Sample: Dinosaur Park
Sample: Plumbing the Death Star
Running time Plumbing the Death Star (1 – 135): 8 hours, 59 minutes.
Running time Dinosaur Park: 7 hours, 49 minutes.
Running time Movie Maintenance (1 – 30): 31 hours, 46 minutes.
Running time Talk Loudly Over (5 episodes): 9 hours, 34 minutes.
Created by Sanspants Radio
Sanspants Radio is a comedy podcast network based out of Melbourne, Australia. They recently fumbled their way to the top of iTunes and want to continue fumbling their way into your ears, but most importantly, your hearts.